Archive | April, 2009

Keeping it simple — powerfully so

12 Apr
How did E.T. manage to home phone in 1982 with this set-up?

How did E.T. manage to phone home in 1982 with this set-up?, which is what I use both on my laptop and on my mobile networks to update microblogging accounts, describes itself as a “simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap.”

It definitely delivers as promised. If only all services in life did that.

And even though I don’t have an iPhone (yet! — just a matter of biding out my current contract) and use a severely limited BlackBerry (my workplace has a policy of restricting access to a great many useful Web sites and disabling other features as well), I can post updates here too. There are times I still have to pinch myself when thinking about how many more communication options are open to us now compared with just a few years ago.

What are your favorite ways to take advantage of these advances?

(Photo credit: Mattingly23)