What’s Beyond 140? (Hint: A simmer of social media + a mix of music reverie + a dash of yoga devotion.)

Thanks for paying a visit. I’m a former newspaper reporter and a tourist-turned-citizen of the social media world. I’m addicted to microblogging (my Twitter handle is @Rose101) and there are times I wonder if I even dream in the form of tweets. I’m still amazed by the idea that 140 little characters can accomplish so much, and I think 140 has already earned the right to replace 42 as the answer to life, the universe and everything. But as much as I hate to admit it, microblogging can’t do it all. This blog is for all those thoughts — and usually, they’ll be about media, music, yoga and my unapologetic lust for Apple products — that won’t fit in 140 characters.


One Response to “What’s Beyond 140? (Hint: A simmer of social media + a mix of music reverie + a dash of yoga devotion.)”

  1. Denis March 15, 2009 at 8:39 am #

    This is all so wonderful. I am so happy to imagine you working away on it. I am so happy to imagine you. period.

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